Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Would You, Could You, In A Tree?

I just happened to spot this earlier today and couldn't resist a picture.

Kyri is an outdoor girl, so...

It was no suprise to find her doing her math in a tree.
(Another plug for homeschooling)

I remember those days, too. Trees are cool!


  1. Yep. Trees are cool, much more interesting than an old desk! I especially like the last picture - it's perfect!

  2. That's precious. Did she have a touch of Spring Fever? I like the lighting and angle of your shots. Love to all the kids from Mamaw

  3. Sorry about the poison ivy. I'm especially concerned about you getting it. I'll never forget your nightmare with having it on your face and in your eyes. Love you.

  4. Hey, at last we hear from you! I check on you faithfully but to no avail!!! Can't wait to be with you all this Fri. Love, Your ol' Mom
