Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Take On It All

I know the other girls have shared their view on the Beach Trip, but I decided I had two cents to add as well.

Here is the official properly posed picture. Yes, we are looking pretty 'n proper.

But, hey, doesn't this look better. (yes, I know Heidi's head is cut off a little)
Or maybe this is more how I feel; let's relax and enjoy life a little.

So now you know my side. And truthfully, both sides of the coin were fun and I'd do the whole thing over again if given the chance.


  1. Thanks,Holly,for sharing just one more picture and one more reminder....I love each and every memory. Thank you for the part you played in making it possible for me to be a part.

    P.S. My work schedule has changed again and at this point I'll come to Youth Camp Tues. P.M. and leave camp Thurs. P.M. That actually will give me more time there.

  2. I'd do it again too. How soon can you be packed? :)

  3. Thanks for the update. I'll be calling you tomorrow. love you so much, Mom
