Thursday, January 10, 2013

Her Point of View

I never cease to be amazed...

at my daughter's way of viewing things.

I mean, she has never had a photography lesson in her life...

yet, her angle, or view of things is so different from how I naturally view things.

Things, Creatures, Scenes...I view them everyday, enjoy them, and move on,

but when she stops time with a still frame, it suddenly becomes art...

and natural ability to make the ordinary something more.

There's humor...



...but to capture this Titmouse, whom I've see hundreds of times, with this seed so perfectly poised in its mouth,  to me that's just amazing.

Looking forward to more beauty and fun, Kyri!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Spider Lamp!!! Huh?

A long time ago...

...back when Shawn and I used to look like this.  I worked for a very special lady named...

Glenna Haney.  She was like my mom away from home.  She often had me dust a monstrous lamp.  She grumbled about it's out of controlled limbs, etc.  All this to say, this year I had floor lamps on my Christmas list.   You guessed it,  Shawn instructed me to close my eyes and this is what I opened them to... 

...a spider lamp!!! ARRRRRR.....  No, it's staying, Shawn loves it and I will adjust, I promise.  Though I might be like Mrs. Haney and grumble about it's unwieldy limbs!

Happy New Year!!!